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Upcoming Events

There are many opportunities to connect and grow in relationship with God and others at CtK. Our community is informal and is intentional about welcoming newcomers not just on Sundays but in small group settings, as well. This page lifts up some key events and a comprehensive calendar. All events are scheduled through Nancy in the church office. 

Anchor 2

Worship is at the heart of our life together. Worship takes place in person at 10am and is also livestreamed through our YouTube Channel. Our 10am service includes Holy Communion and music lead by the praise team. Godly Play is offered during worship most Sundays for children grades preschool thorugh 5th.


Check our calendar for holiday & seasonal worship information.

Adult Bible Studies

There are a number of Bible studies and Adult Education opportunities throughout the year, including weekly Wired Word weekly discussion groups, Bible studies, Faith Stepping Stones classes, and book groups. A comprehensive list is available in our newsletter and on the church calendar.

Children, Youth and Family
Children Embracing in Circle

We offer a number of programs for children, youth and families including Godly Play during worship, seasonal events, weekly Confirmation classes, high school youth group, and other educational classes for families and young adults. Check out our calendar or "Children, Youth and Family" page for more details.

Godly Play

Godly Play, for children in preschool through 5th grade, takes place Sundays at 10am during worship, throughout the school year. Contact the church office or Melissa Marzolf for more information.


Godly Play is...

A very different way of doing Children’s Ministry.

Preparation, a story, reflection, work and a feast.

A safe, peaceful, spiritual space for children to explore faith and grow through play.

Support & Healing
Wild Flowers

Support and healing are a special focus at CTK. Our Stephen Ministry program trains volunteers to walk with people through difficult times. We offer healing services every month with a 5th Sunday. We have a dedicated Faith Community Nurse on staff. If you need support or want to care for others, we have an opportunity for you.

Volunteer Groups

Jesus models a life of service to others. Together, we find blessing and faith by loving our neighbors. We have active groups that help with preparing meals, making quilts, gardening, caring for children and youth, reaching out to those who are grieving, and much more. Through participation, you will discover the gift of community.

Anchor 1

Full Calendar

Instructions for Importing CtK Events to Apple or Google Calendars

To download events to your Apple or Google calendars, copy the following links to iCal addresses (Note: you must right click on the link and select "copy link") and paste them into your app using the instructions below:

       CtK Main Calendar        Guest Groups Calendar

Google (& Android) Calendar Instructions
  1. Navigate to your Google Calendar

  2. On the left, click the dropdown arrow just to the right of the "Other calendars" title

  3. Select "Add by URL" and paste your Breeze iCal calendar URL

Apple Calendar Instructions
  1. Navigate to your Apple Calendar

  2. On the top toolbar, select "File > New Calendar Subscription..."

  3. Provide your Breeze iCal calendar URL

iPhone/iPad Instructions
  1. On your mobile iOS device, navigate to "Settings > Mail, Contact, Calendars > Add Account"

  2. Select "Other" from the bottom of the list

  3. Select "Add Subscribed Calendar"

  4. Provide your Breeze iCal calendar URL

Christ the King Lutheran Church & Preschool 
1305 Pine Avenue Snohomish, WA 98290

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